72 Amroth Avenue Rendering
Residential72 Amroth Avenue

Beaches-East York Missing Middle Pilot Project

The Beaches-East York Missing Middle Pilot Project assesses appropriate City-owned sites in Beaches-East York in collaboration with the development industry and in consultation with the community to build “missing middle” demonstration projects. This project will help inform approaches to missing middle projects on publicly and privately owned sites within the City.

CreateTO is currently working with City Planning and the Environment & Climate Division to assess the feasibility of building missing middle housing, ranging from duplexes to low-rise walk-up apartments, on selected City-owned sites that are designated Neighbourhoods in the City’s Official Plan and achieve principles including sustainability and resiliency, replicability, accessibility, compatibility and cost-effective design.

A consultant team consisting of Dubbeldam Architecture + Design, RDH Building Science and Altus Group has been brought onboard to create and analyze preliminary architectural designs and project parameters to help determine the financial feasibility of providing missing middle buildings on a City-owned site. CreateTO and City staff will continue working with the consultant team on Phase 1 of the Pilot Project to help identify opportunities to facilitate missing middle development, inform the feasibility of developing a missing middle project on the chosen site, and considerations for changes to the development approval process and disposition of the site and future development.

For more information, visit the City’s project page.

About this project

Project current phase Pre-development
72 Amroth Avenue
Located in ward Beaches-East York
72 Amroth Avenue Rendering