CreateTO strives to retain high quality service providers through the application of an open, fair, competitive and transparent procurement process.

For frequently used services, a roster of pre-qualified suppliers is established per service, through an open Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) sourcing and selection process. Through our competitive procurement process, we make use of Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Quotes (RFQ) to award work for individual projects. Depending on the project requirements, competitive procurements are issued to the established rosters or via open competition.
Our Procurement Policy is set up to ensure:
• A fair, open and transparent process
• Procurement of goods and services quickly, efficiently and effectively while building a high-quality of network advisors, suppliers and partners
• Maximum value for cost
Current Procurements
All current, open procurements can be viewed and responded to via MERX, the electronic tendering service used by CreateTO.
Click here to view current opportunities
For assistance in using MERX, please contact MERX directly at 1-800-964-MERX or visit the MERX website at
For any further enquiries please email