50 Wilson
Mixed Use50 Wilson Heights Boulevard

50 Wilson Heights Boulevard: Building a new transit-oriented, complete community in York Centre

50 Wilson Heights groundbreaking

On November 26, 2024, the City of Toronto, CreateTO and our development partners announced the start of construction at 50 Wilson Heights Boulevard, which will transform an eight-acre parking lot into a transit-oriented complete community with affordable housing at the TTC’s Wilson Station.

The groundbreaking event was emceed by CreateTO's CEO Vic Gupta and featured Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, councillor for York Centre James Pasternak and Greenwin President and CEO Kevin Green.

Work is now underway to prepare the site for the construction of the affordable and market rental homes which is anticipated to begin spring 2025, with first occupancy expected in early 2029.

The project, located directly adjacent to the Wilson Subway Station, at the northwest corner of Wilson Avenue and Wilson Heights Boulevard, is planned to include 1,484 residential homes, including 520 market rental homes, 520 affordable rental homes and 444 market condominiums. The development will also include a new park, commercial and retail uses, a childcare centre, new public streets, improvements to the public realm and a community space for non-profit organizations.

In 2018, the Wilson Main Lot (north), located at 50 Wilson Heights Boulevard, was identified as one of the sites for the City’s Housing Now Initiative. The Housing Now Initiative is part of the HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan (HousingTO Plan) and invests in City-owned lands across Toronto for the development of affordable housing within mixed-income, mixed-use, and transit-oriented communities.

50 Wilson Heights Boulevard

In the spring and fall of 2019, CreateTO held several community engagement opportunities about the project. Following those discussions, the Zoning Approval and Draft Plan of Subdivision for the site was approved in 2020.

Tridel Builders Inc. and Greenwin Holdings Inc. were selected in 2021 through a market offering led by CreateTO to develop the transit-oriented site from a surface parking lot into a complete community and in the summer 2024, Greenwin brought on KingSett Capital as an equity partner for the rental housing portion of the project.

Community Meeting for 50 Wilson Heights Boulevard

Learn more about the project on our project webpage.

About this project

Project current phase Market Offering
50 Wilson Heights Boulevard
Located in ward York Centre
Located at Wilson Avenue and Allen Road, the redevelopment of 50 Wilson Heights will deliver 1,484 new homes, including 35 per cent affordable rentals, as well as parkland, retail, and community spaces, along with shared parking.
50 Wilson