Mixed UseEtobicoke Civic Centre

Etobicoke Civic Centre Approved at City Council

November 8, 2017 in Project Updates

uild Toronto is pleased to announce City Council has accepted the Adamson Associate Architects | Henning Larsen Architects | PMA Landscape Architects winning submission as the conceptual design for the new Etobicoke Civic Centre (ECC). Next steps will include proceeding with:

- A detailed building program review in consultation with City stakeholders;
- Completion of site investigation, schematic design and design development for a new ECC at the Westwood Theatre Lands;
- Class C Cost Estimate and project budget schedule; and
- Identification of a project delivery methodology.

As the Feasibility and Conceptual Design phase will be concluding this year, there will be a request through the 2018 budget process for $3.5M to proceed to the next phase in the major project stage gating process – Site Investigation, Schematic Design & Design Development – and report back to Council on findings and results in Q1, 2019.

To recap, the winning design team was selected in April 2017, following a five-month long international design competition run by Build Toronto. Stage 1 of the competition began in December 2016 through a Request for Supplier Qualifications process. Stage 2 of the competition was launched in February 2017 when the shortlisted teams were selected to submit their designs through a Request for Proposals process. The shortlisted designs were publicly presented by the design teams in April 2017 and were then reviewed by the jury.

Benefits of the new ECC include accessibility through direct access to transit, commitment to WELL Standards, a net zero energy and carbon foot print target, an integrated community hub, new heart for the Etobicoke Civic Centre Precinct and minimal distribution to City staff services as functions existing at the current ECC operate uninterrupted while a new ECC would be constructed.

About this project

City Building and Cultural Vitality
Project current phase Delivery and Construction
Etobicoke Civic Centre
Located in ward Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The new Etobicoke Civic Centre will be a state-of-the-art civic hub including a community recreation centre, a public library, a non-profit childcare centre, community spaces and a new civic square for public programming and events.