Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre

City Council, at its meeting on December 17, 2019, authorized CreateTO to proceed with Phase Three of the Major Capital Project Approval Process work – including Detail Design, Contract Documents and Tender – to relocate the existing Etobicoke Civic Centre to the Westwood Theatre Lands.
The establishment of this new civic centre would provide much needed services for a growing West District and act as a catalyst for revitalization of the Etobicoke City Centre. Additional social, economic, and financial benefits include:
· New civic and community infrastructure, including a recreation centre, library, childcare, and public square;
· Replacement of the existing old, functionally obsolete and costly Etobicoke Civic Centre facility;
· Positioning of municipal services at a transit hub, improving access for residents, staff and visitors;
· Improved public realm through internationally renowned, state of the art design;
· Support for TransformTO by building a Net-Zero community and incorporation of district energy systems;
· Support for ModernTO with efficient municipal office spaces and redistribution of jobs to Etobicoke;
· Prudent financial plan with significant funding contributed from unlocking underutilized City-owned land in the West District.
Staff will report back to the CreateTO Board and City Council in the fourth quarter of 2021 with the results of the Phase Three work.
For more information about City Council’s direction, please see the staff report.