Danforth Garage Master Planning Study – Community Meeting #3

CreateTO and The City of Toronto will be hosting a third and final community meeting for the Danforth Garage Master Planning Study on Thursday, December 13 from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Monarch Park Collegiate (in the cafeteria) at 1 Hanson Street. The purpose of this community meeting is to present and seek feedback on a preferred concept for the Master Plan gathered from community input from our previous two community meetings.
The Danforth Garage is a 5.05-acred site situated in the new Ward 19. The site currently accommodates the Danforth – Coxwell Public Library at 1625 Danforth Avenue and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Danforth Garage at 1627 Danforth Avenue.
The purpose of the Danforth Garage Master Planning Study is to create a master plan for the site accommodating the needs of three anchor tenants including TTC, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and the Toronto Public Library (TPL), as well as the needs of the local community. The study is being led by CreateTO, City Planning and the City’s Real Estate Services division (the Project Team) in collaboration with a Technical Working Group which includes the Project Team, the site’s three anchor tenants as well as other key staff from the City.
The master plan will be informed by comprehensive community input and will be consistent with the policy framework created through the Danforth Avenue Planning Study. Community consultation is a crucial component of this study.
The Project Team held the first Community Meeting on July 17, 2018 to introduce the Danforth Garage Master Planning Study, the Project Team and the Consultant Team as well as presented and sought feedback on the Draft Guiding Principles for the development of the site and the site analysis. A second community meeting was held on October 30 to present and seek feedback on three Master Plan concepts. Feedback was used to help identify a preferred concept for the Master Plan and this preferred concept will be presented at our third community meeting on December 13.
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2018
Monarch Park Collegiate (in the cafeteria – please use the main entrance)
1 Hanson Street
6:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Open House
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Presentation & Facilitated Discussion