Danforth Garage Master Planning Study – Meeting #2

CreateTO & the City of Toronto hosted the second of three community meetings for the Danforth Garage Master Planning Study on Tuesday, October 30 to present the finalized Guiding Principles for the site and to share and seek feedback on the three draft Master Plan concepts.
The meeting began with an open house and board display with the Danforth Garage project team – including CreateTO, City Planning, Toronto Police, TTC, Toronto Public Library, Swerhun Facilitation and DTAH – on hand to answer questions. A presentation on the final Guiding Principles and Draft Master Plan Concepts was presented by Megan Torza of DTAH before community members broke into groups for a facilitated discussion to provide feedback on the options presented. Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, Councillor Paula Fletcher, Councillor Janet Davis and Councillor-Elect Brad Bradford were in attendance.
The Danforth Garage is a 5.05-acred site situated in Ward 32, which brings together civic and community interests from wards 29, 30 and 31. The site currently accommodates the Danforth – Coxwell Public Library at 1625 Danforth Avenue and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Danforth Garage at 1627 Danforth Avenue. The purpose of the Danforth Garage Master Planning Study is to create a master plan for the site accommodating the needs of three anchor tenants including TTC, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and the Toronto Public Library (TPL), as well as the needs of the local community.
Thank you to all who attended and provided input. Your feedback will help the project team determine which elements to include in the final Master Plan concept, which will be presented to the community on Tuesday, December 4th, and will shape the future of this civic hub.