405 Sherbourne

405 Sherbourne Street

405 Sherbourne
The vision for this downtown site is focused on delivering purpose-built rental housing, including 50 per cent affordable rental homes, community agency space, and an enhanced public realm on Sherbourne Street.

Project Details

Mixed Use, Affordable Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Community Space, Housing, and Residential
Toronto Centre
Chris Moise
Current Phase
Current Use
TPA Lot #79
Major Intersection
Sherbourne Street and Carlton Street
Site Area
0.74 acres
Proposed Use
Creation of residential units, including affordable housing, and community space.
Surrounding Use
Residential and office uses to the north; residential uses to the south; residential uses to the east and residential uses and the Phoenix Concert Venue to the west
Mixed Use, Affordable Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Community Space, Housing, and Residential
Toronto Centre
Chris Moise
Current Phase
Current Use
TPA Lot #79
Major Intersection
Sherbourne Street and Carlton Street
Site Area
0.74 acres
Proposed Use
Creation of residential units, including affordable housing, and community space.
Surrounding Use
Residential and office uses to the north; residential uses to the south; residential uses to the east and residential uses and the Phoenix Concert Venue to the west
2020 - 2021
Development Concept
Market Offering
Delivery and Construction
2026 - 2028

Project Overview

The development concept for this site, presented to the community in the spring of 2021, includes a 26-storey building with 266 dwelling units, community use space on the ground floor, and a wider, single mid-block connection through the site with generous landscaping for pedestrians.  

The site will have frontage on both Sherbourne and Bleecker Streets. On Sherbourne Street, the design proposal includes a community use space and on Bleecker Street, the development proposal includes townhouse units to complement the scale and character of the Victorian houses on the west side of the street. The development will be leased to a non-profit housing provider. 

The proposal for this site, which is located within the Cabbagetown Northwest Heritage Conservation District (HCD), is consistent with the policy directions of the Downtown Plan and Tall Building Design Guidelines and will be designed to complement the adjacent buildings, all while minimizing any new net shadows on the nearby Winchester Park.

The Zoning By-law amendment application was approved in 2021.
