Site around 805 Don Mills

805 Don Mills

Site around 805 Don Mills
Located at the southeast corner of Eglinton Avenue and Don Mills Road, 805 Don Mills Road aims to achieve City-building objectives by providing residential, including 840 homes with 286 affordable rental units, park space, retail and childcare to this area of this city.

Project Details

Mixed Use, Affordable Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Housing, Residential, Parks & Open Spaces, Retail, Child Care Centre, and Community Recreation
Don Valley East
Jon Burnside
Current Phase
Development Concept
Current Use
Vacant Parking Lot
Major Intersection
Eglinton Avenue and Don Mills Road
Site Area
3.5 acres
Proposed Use
Creation of residential units including affordable units, park space, retail space and childcare space.
Surrounding Use
Office, retail and institutional uses to the north; office uses to the south; residential uses to the east; parking lot to the west
Mixed Use, Affordable Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Housing, Residential, Parks & Open Spaces, Retail, Child Care Centre, and Community Recreation
Don Valley East
Jon Burnside
Current Phase
Development Concept
Current Use
Vacant Parking Lot
Major Intersection
Eglinton Avenue and Don Mills Road
Site Area
3.5 acres
Proposed Use
Creation of residential units including affordable units, park space, retail space and childcare space.
Surrounding Use
Office, retail and institutional uses to the north; office uses to the south; residential uses to the east; parking lot to the west
2019 - 2021
Development Concept
Market Offering
Q4 2024
Delivery and Construction
2026 - 2029

Project Overview

What is currently a surface parking lot at 805 Don Mills Road will be transformed into an improved public realm and streetscape within a mixed-income development adjacent to the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT Science Centre Station and Ontario Line. The development will include 840 new homes, with 286 of those being affordable rental units. The development will also complete the realignment of Ferrand Drive and create a new public street. 

By maximizing the site’s potential, we can deliver a more inclusive and livable neighbourhood within the Don Valley East community.

805 Don Mills Road is a project part of the Housing Now Initiative to invest in City-owned lands across Toronto for the development of affordable housing within mixed-income, mixed-use and transit-oriented communities. The Zoning was approved in June 2022. 
